Kemarin hari Rabu saya pergi ke gramedia ,sesampainya disana saya langsung menuju ke bagian buku-buku kedokteran dan kesehatan, memang saya tertarik sekali di bidang ini, dan saya langsung tertarik dengan 1 buku yang covernya sangat menarik dan memberi kesan elegan, tanpa pikir panjang saya langsung meraih buku itu yang ada di kumpulan rak yang khusus menjual buku-buku yang Best Seller, Buku itu berjudul The Miracle of Enzime yang di tulis sendiri oleh dr. Hiromi Shinya dan di terbitkan oleh Mizan di Indonesia, Saya tertarik sekali dan ingin membeli buku tersebut, tetapi uang saya belum mencukupi, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membacanya terlebih dahulu di bangku-bangku yang sudah di sediakan pihak Gramedia itu sendiri. Seharian saya membaca, tidak terasa sudah jam 5 sore, buku ini memberi pandangan baru di hidup saya tentang arti sebuah kesehatan. Saya tidak heran buku ini sudah terjual lebih dari 2 juta kopi di seluruh dunia dengan berbagai bahasa. Salah satu isi buku tersebut yang sangat berguna adalah 7 Cara Emas Untuk hidup Sehat ala Hiromi Shinya, di bawah ini saya sudah merangkum yang sudah saya alihkan ke bahasa Inggris dari bahasa Indonesua, itung2 belajar bahasa inggris dan kesehatan. Seperti kata pepatah sekali mendayung, 2-3 pulau terlampaui. Selamat Membaca!Rido
1.Good food for consumption are, (komposisi makanan yang baik didalam tubuh kita) :
a. 85%-90% : (Contain food of vegetable) bean, fruit ( which plant inORGANIC because chemical substance in non-organic pant can reduce our ENZIME that can use for another part of our body)
b. 10%-15% :(Contain protein),The best source of protein is from Small fish which contain good protein for our body. Why not use BIG FISH?because compare to small fish,big fish contain a lot of MERKURY that dangerous for our body).
c. Reduce /Avoid : Green Japan Tea, china tea,coffee,food which contain sugar, nicotin,alcohol,chocolate,fat, and salt.
d. A good consume is : Stop eat 4-5 hour before we go to sleep,because The good condition for our body is when we sleep,the GASTRIC is empty and do not work a lot, Food chewing at least 30-50 times to reduce our gastric’s work, Eat FRUIT and Drink Fruit JUICE 30-50 Minutes before EAT,and not recommended to fried the food,just steamed the food for avoid much oil.
2.Good water consumption, (Air mempunyai peranan penting di dalam tubuh kita ) :
It means, water which still clean from chemical substance and have big reduction for our body.
Adult : Drink advisable to drink 6-10 times glass of water everyday,1-3 times glass of water after wake up in the morning and 2-3 glass of water before we go to eat, because water is very important substance for our body,otherwise it can make dehydration.
3.Good metabolism, (Metabolisme yang baik untuk tubuh yang sehat) :
For get the best metabolism, I think you advisable to take these way,
a. Keep your schedule food consumtion regularly, and don’t even think to drink any laxative medicine which use for stimulate your body to make instant metabolism, and the important thing is try to avoid Junk food.
b. Sleep well at night and wake up in the early morning. Try to sleep about 9 hour but if you can’t do it at night,you can add the time at daylight sleep.
c. Stress can harm for our body,and it can reduce defense of our body. So, try to happy,laugh, discuss each other, and keep smile!
d. Keep your sport activities regularly, if you’re not young,you can reduce your sport activities. For example:walking, cycling, and do yoga for relax your mind and your body. Sport is very important for our body,because it can make accelerate your metabolism.
e. Drink 9-10 glass of watet everyday,moreover 2 liter water for control temperature of our body and carry nutrition to all of our body
4.Good Sport,(Olahraga yang teratur) : Do enough sport, however hard sport may harm our body too .
5.Good Recess,(Istirahat yang cukup) : Do yoga for relax our body , therefore the meditation is very good for stimulate body to make Essential Enzime.
6.Good Mind,(Pikiran yang sehat) : Always think positive in your life, and try to avoid tight T-shirt because it can disturb our respiratory.
7.Good Love,(Cinta) : Love yourself, Love Your family, Love your couple, because Love can make calm feeling which can stimulate our body to make Essential Enzime.
Who is Hiromi Shinya ?
Hiromi shinya is a doctor who move to America for continue his study, In there, he always make many experiment for increase his medical knowledge, In America his family condition was bad,his son,daughter,and his wife got many disease that very complex and make Hiromi Shinya confuse and make him down. "I'm very down, Iam a doctor and I can't do anything now",and he realize the disease is came from MILK that his family was always consumes everyday in America. Moreover his wife was diagnosed got LUPUS DISEASE that her blood cell was decrease and her face became pale. I've tried to heal her and she hospitalized for a long time but suddenly she death when I don't know enough for her disease...
Translator in this blog : Rido Maulana
copyright dr hiromi shinya 2009
2 komentar:
The Miracle of Enzime - dr. Hiromi Shinya
"0% pasien saya yang terkena kanker kembali setelah menjalani 7 diet khusus yang sudah saya terapkan"dr.hiromi shinya
jiahh...adik tingkat gw pinter banget c??!!
bangga deh...
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